> 艺术 >


2020-04-28 14:42 来源:综合



In the face of the epidemic, our destiny is shared. China has supported one belt, one road along the way since the outbreak. The virus's "indiscriminate attack" on the world, regardless of race, region and national boundaries reminds people once again that in the face of global public health emergencies, human beings are a community of shared destiny. Work together to defeat the virus! Those who share the same desire win, and those who share the same weal and woe win. The artist takes painting and calligraphy as the first to show the feelings of a great country, and to convey the news and positive energy of common anti epidemic warm. Sunshine always after the wind and rain, may the world be well, and human beings be peaceful!


Meng Zhaofei, born in 1957 in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, is the owner of zhuyuanzhai. He is a teacher with college culture. At present, he is vice chairman of China celebrity art association, vice chairman of Chinese calligraphy and painting society, art director of China Internet, vice president of people's art journal, executive director of Chinese Calligrapher Association, vice president of China Hanlin Academy of calligraphy and painting, vice president of Beijing Oriental Academy of calligraphy and painting, visiting professor of Beihai International Academy of calligraphy and painting in Beijing, member of Calligraphy Art Research Association of Chinese couplet Association, He is a member of the professional committee of calligraphy and painting art of China National Architecture Research Association, a special calligrapher and painter of the Paris International Art Center, a contracted artist of calligraphy collection, and a national first-class calligrapher.



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Since childhood, he has been fond of literature, poetry, calligraphy and painting, diligent in literature, infatuated with books, and infatuated with the "two kings". Starting with regular script, learning from famous scholars of all ages; studying "two kings" and Zhao Ti in running script, catching up with Wei and Jin Dynasties, and learning song and Ming Dynasties; learning from Qin and Zhuan steles in seal script; imitating the right army '.




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书法创作坚持“情融墨潤、字表吾心”理念,做人秉承“修身悟道、志远情高”之格言,平时多研诗词格律,乐于自书自诗。书法作品曾荣获全国各类书法大赛50多奖项,先后被有关艺术机构授予“国礼艺术家”、“全国书画名家”、“百名优秀书画家”、“中国当代百位中老年优秀艺术家”、“德艺双馨艺术家”、“当代中老年艺术先锋”、“当代老年书画世博功勋艺术家”、“2010中国上海世博会杰出书画名家”、“中华民族杰出书画艺术家”、“翰墨颂元帅杰出艺术家”、“中华文化和谐使者”、“中国文化艺术优秀传承者”、 “最具文化魅力艺术名家”、“中华人民共和国功勋书画家”、“‘一带一路’走向世界的国礼艺术大师”、“中共‘十九大’提贺艺术名家”、“博鳌中国当代书画十大风云人物”等荣誉称号。入编《中国书法五大家---沈鹏、张海、李铎、米南阳、孟昭飞(龙年珍藏版)》、《盛世中华.金瓯永固---欧阳中石、沈鹏、孟昭飞、南辉作品集》、《炎黄艺术家(孟昭飞、欧阳中石、范曾、刘大为)——2014马到成功台历》、《孟昭飞、刘文西——中国书画名家作品鉴赏》、《美丽中国---中国当代书画名家孟昭飞纪念珍藏邮册》、《中华艺术瑰宝》、《中国美术编史·1949--2014》、《墨海同舟-—苏士澍、孟昭飞作品集》、《一带一路“国家名片》、《第一文化频道》等近百部优秀作品集册;央视网、人民网、中国网、中华网、新华网、新浪网等多家媒体予以报道,近百幅作品已被人民大会堂、博鳌亚洲论坛等国内外各大艺术机构藏。

Calligraphy creation adheres to the concept of "emotion melting, ink moistening, words expressing my heart". As a human being, it adheres to the maxim of "cultivating one's moral character and understanding one's way, having lofty ambition and high emotion". At ordinary times, it studies more poetry and rules, and is happy to write one's own poems. Calligraphy works have won more than 50 awards in various kinds of calligraphy competitions in China, and have been awarded by relevant art institutions as "national etiquette artist", "national famous calligrapher and painter", "100 excellent calligraphers and painters", "China's top 100 contemporary middle-aged and elderly artists", "virtue and art double Xin artist", "Contemporary Middle-aged and elderly art pioneer", "contemporary senior calligraphy and painting Expo merit artist", "2010 middle-aged Outstanding calligraphers and painters of Shanghai World Expo, outstanding calligraphers and painters of the Chinese nation, outstanding artists of admiral in calligraphy, emissary of harmony of Chinese culture, outstanding inheritors of Chinese culture and art China's one belt, one road, the most famous cultural artist, the People's Republic of China meritorious painter and calligrapher, the "ritual master of art", "the nineteen greatest" artists of the Chinese Communist Party, and the ten influential man of contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy in Boao. Five great masters of Chinese Calligraphy: Shen Peng, Zhang Hai, Li duo, MI Nanyang, Meng ZHAOFEI (the year of the Dragon Collection Edition), golden Ou YONGGU: Ouyang Zhongshi, Shen Peng, Meng ZHAOFEI, Nanhui works collection, Yanhuang artists (MEng ZHAOFEI, Ouyang Zhongshi, fan Zeng, Liu Dawei) - 2014 Ma Zhicheng successful Taiwan calendar, Meng ZHAOFEI, Liu Wenxi: famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters China's contemporary China name card painter Meng Zhaofei China one, one belt, one road, "the beautiful works of China", "the contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy masterpiece, the commemorative collection of treasures of the Chinese history", "the treasures of Chinese art", "the history of Chinese art compilation 1949--2014", "the works of Su Shishu and Meng Zhaofei," and "nearly all the best" works of the "national business card" and "the first culture channel". Nearly 100 works have been collected by the Great Hall of the people, Boao Forum for Asia and other major art institutions at home and abroad.





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