> 艺术 >


2020-05-06 16:46 来源:综合


In the face of the epidemic, we share a common destiny. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, China and countries along the "One Belt And One Road" have supported each other. The virus' indiscriminate attack on the world, regardless of race, region or national boundaries, once again reminds people that in the face of global public health emergencies, mankind is a community of Shared future that is as close as lips and teeth. Work together to defeat the virus! Those who share the same desire win, and those who share the same boat win. Wang tianshou, a famous artist, takes painting and calligraphy as the first exhibition of the feelings of the great country, and delivers the news and positive energy of jointly fighting against the epidemic. Under the crisis, art has the power of cohesion and connection. The sun always comes after the storm. May the world be safe and the human race be safe!

汪天寿  字白云,共产党员,重庆市木耳镇人氏。出生于1940年3月7日。1964年重庆江北二中毕业;1969年毕业于四川大学电机工程系(原成都工学院)。1969年至71年在邛崃7854军垦农场劳动;1971年至1978年在武胜县农机厂工作。当过铸工、车工、钳工、锻工、机修工、电工,技术员。1978年至1983年在南充市电机厂工作,任设备科长、工程师、科研室主任。1983年调南充市顺庆区交通局工作,任总工程师、副局长。夫人何云英,大专文化,南充市顺庆区财政局副局长、审计局副局长,国资办主任。2000年退休后才开始作山水画,现为南充市美术家协会会员,中国名家画院名誉副院长,中国文艺家联合会书画专业艺术顾问,中国诗联书画研究院副院长,中国艺术家收藏协会名誉副会长,中华文化研究院院士,中国国际艺术家协会终身艺术顾问,中国高级书画家协会会员,中国国际书画艺术研究院书画家,中国国际现代艺术研究中心研究员,全国名人书画艺术界联合会委员,炎皇艺术家协会会员。作品入编《光辉历程》、《丰碑-艺术49-09》、《中国美术30年》、《中国辉煌》、《和谐中华》、《中华名流,见证辉煌》,《名家名作》、《艺术人生》,《感动中国》,《盛世国艺》,《中华英才》、《当代书画英杰》、《传承与超越》,《国家艺术大师》,《中国名家书画艺术精品集》,《中国艺术品收藏最具实力艺术家》,《中国当代艺术收藏指南》,《人一生要知道的中国艺术家》,《民族魂》,《红色 经典》,《和平赞歌》,《世界当代艺术名家博览》,《中国艺术报导文化专刊》,〈《世纪风》、《当代国粹名家》,《中华艺术巅峰人物》,《中国书画大辞典》、《走近艺术大师》等多部书藉。个人作品选集入编《中华传世名家系列专集》,《中国最具魅力艺术家专刊》等丛书。诗词作品入编《传世诗词三百家》。

Wang tianshou name bai yun, communist party member, chongqing city fungus town people. Born on March 7, 1940. Graduated from chongqing jiangbei no.2 middle school in 1964; He graduated from the department of electrical engineering of sichuan university (formerly chengdu institute of technology) in 1969. Worked at qionglai 7854 military reclamation farm from 1969 to 71; From 1971 to 1978 worked in wusheng county agricultural machinery factory. Has been a foundry, lathe, fitter, blacksmith, mechanic, electrician, technician. From 1978 to 1983, he worked in nanchong electric machinery factory as equipment section chief, engineer and director of scientific research office. In 1983, he was transferred to the traffic bureau of shunqing district, nanchong city, where he served as chief engineer and deputy director. Wife he yunying, college culture, deputy director of nanchong shunqing district finance bureau, deputy director of audit bureau, director of sasac.Retired in 2000 after a landscape painting, currently he is member of nanchong artists association, China's famous academies, vice President of the reputation, writers and artists association of China painting and calligraphy art consultant, ShiLian painting and calligraphy institute, vice President of China, honorary vice-presidents of Chinese artists association, member of institute of the Chinese culture, Chinese lifelong artistic adviser international artists association, China's top artists association, member of China international painting and calligraphy art research institute art paintings, researcher at the Chinese international centre for the study of modern art, the national federation of celebrity calligraphy and painting art, huang artist association member.Works "glorious history", "the monument - 49-09 art", "Chinese art 30 years", "China glory", "harmonious China", "Chinese celebrities, witness the brilliant", "famous works", "art life", "moved China", "ShengShiGuo art", "Chinese elite", "contemporary painting and calligraphy yingjie," inheritance and transcendence ", "national art master", "Chinese famous painting and calligraphy art collection", "Chinese art collection is the most powerful artist", "Chinese contemporary art collection guide," people life to know Chinese artists ", "national soul", "the red classics", "Peace hymn", "world contemporary art masters exhibition", "Chinese art report culture special journal", "century style", "contemporary quintessential Chinese artists", "Chinese art peak figures", "Chinese painting and calligraphy dictionary", "close to the masters of art" and many other books. The collection of his works has been compiled into a series of books, such as the collection of famous Chinese artists handed down from generation to generation, and the special issue of the most charming Chinese artists. Poetry works are included in the 300 poems handed down from generation to generation.

















