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2020-09-23 16:50 来源:人民日报欧洲网

尤淑悌 ,1933年3月生,浙江临海市人。毕业于复旦大学。学者、诗人、美术家,国家特级美术师。“中华文化遗产保护传承大师”、“新时代·新文化领军人物”, 人民英雄功勋艺术家"。法兰西皇家美术学院“艺术学”博士、荷兰皇家艺术学院终身名誉博士。


联合国教科文等组织授予“十大世界杰出成就艺术家”、 “世界和平文化使者”、 “世界当代最伟大的艺术家”、“殿堂级世界艺术大师”和联合国秘书处授予“百年文艺巨匠”等称号,法国文化部与法兰西皇家美术学院授予“皇家首席艺术家”称号。


You Shudi, born in March 1933 in Linhai, Zhejiang Province. Graduated from the Fudan University. Scholar, poet, artist, national super artist. "Master of protection and inheritance of Chinese cultural heritage" , "leading figure of new era and new culture" , "People's Heroes, meritorious artists" . Doctor of Fine Arts, French Royal Academy of Arts, honorary doctor for life, Royal Dutch Academy of Fine Arts. After his retirement, he devoted himself to Chinese landscape painting, flower-and-bird painting, as well as poetry, calligraphy and seal carving. He has won "China's reform and opening-up award for lifetime achievement in literature and art" , "International Art Garden Golden Sage Award" , "Da Vinci International Art Grand Prix" Gold Award, "National Cultural Construction Award" and so on. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and other organizations have awarded the titles of "ten outstanding artists of Great World, Shanghai" , "messenger of the culture of world peace" , "world's greatest contemporary artist" , "world-class master of Art" and "centennial master of Art" to the United Nations Secretariat. The French Ministry of Culture and the French Royal Academy of Arts have awarded the title of "Royal Chief Artist" . He is currently honorary president of the Confucius College for life, Vice President of the Association for the study of world celebrities, honorary fellow of the Russian Academy of Arts, principal artist and senior consultant of the Royal Academy of Arts, member of the Royal Academy of Painting of France, member of the Royal Academy of Arts of Sweden, lifelong fellow of the Royal Academy of Painting of Rome, visiting professor of the Royal Academy of Arts, and Vice President of the United Nations International Centre for the dissemination of culture.