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2020-11-09 10:24 来源:综合


杜兴友(1934-). 天津市人,曾多年在高校任编辑和书法教学工作。倾情于书法.逾七十载;从事研究,创作和教学近三十年.曾沿着书法史的脉络,从商周金文、秦汉石文、直至魏晋以降各代法书都择要做过忠于原作的精心临写。并以类成卷,断代成集。临本所积,以足具规模。多年对楷书的结构美作专项研究,并以黄金律格控手段验证并书写了《汉语大字典》所收全部单字。在此基础上撰写了《楷书结构黄金分割示范单字一万例》一书。三十年来除以各种书体创作了大量的各种样式,各种题材的书法作品外,又以独具个人风貌的楷书创作了《千字文》、《续千字文》 、《三续千字文》 、《文心雕龙》(选篇) 、《诗品》 以及楚骚汉赋,唐宋诗词文章等多卷‘“册页” 作品,并分别以古法线装成集,书风娴雅妍润,独具风神。所出版的《黄金分割醴泉铭临本》和《黄金分割楷书千字文》两种用于指导教学和辅助自学的楷法字帖,在应用中收到了极佳的效果。近年来,应邀出版了《书法四大家》、《中国艺术大家》、《国家形象大使》、《祖国颂》 等数人合集和《国家文化传承人物》,题贺党的十九大个人专访特刊《艺坛大家》等个人书法专集。2014年,中国国学学会授“国家形象大使”证书。2017年与沈鹏同志等十人共同当选为“十大国宝级艺术家”。2019 年,获“共和国功勋文艺家”、“ 大国文化形象大使”、“国家 顶级诗书画家”等证书,并获欧阳中石先生题赠的“风范一品大家”牌匾一块。2020年,被中国进口博览会组委会聘请为终身特聘艺术家。其作品将被国家馆永久收藏。

Du Xingyou (1934 -). A native of Tianjin, he worked as a college editor and calligraphy teacher for many years. In favor of calligraphy. More than 70 years; engaged in research, creation and teaching nearly 30 years. Along the history of calligraphy, from Shang and Zhou Inscriptions, Qin and Han inscriptions on stone, to the Wei and Jin dynasties and later generations of calligraphy have chosen to be faithful to the original carefully written. And class into volume, dating into the set. The deposit is large enough to be of sufficient scale. Many years of research on the regular script of the Organization of the United States, and to control the means of the golden rule to verify and write the Hanyu Da Zidian all the words. On this basis, the author of the regular script structure of the golden ratio model words 10,000 examples of the book. Over the past 30 years, in addition to creating a large number of calligraphy works of various styles and themes in various calligraphy styles, he also created thousand-character script, continuation thousand-character script, three continuation thousand-character script, The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons (selected passages) , Shi pin, and Fu of Chu, Sao and Han Dynasty with his own style of regular script, tang and song poetry articles and other multi-volume "book page" works, and were assembled with the ancient normal line, elegant elegant grace, unique Fengshen. The publication of the Golden Section of Li Quan Ming Lin edition and the Golden Section of the regular script of the thousand characters, two types of regular script used to guide teaching and help self-study, has received excellent results in the application. In recent years, he has been invited to publish several collections including "Four masters of Calligraphy" , "masters of Chinese Art" , "ambassador of the National Image" , "Ode to the motherland" and "figures of national cultural transmission" . In 2014, the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese studies awarded the certificate of "National Image Ambassador" . In 2017, together with Comrade Shen Peng and other 10 people were elected as the "top ten national treasure-grade artists. ". In 2019, he was awarded the Certificates of "Republic Meritorious Contribution Writer and artist" , "great power cultural image ambassador" , "country, top-class poet, calligrapher and painter" , and a plaque entitled "style Yipin everybody" presented by Ouyang Zhongshi. In 2020, he was employed by the organizing committee of China Import Expo as a special artist for life. His works will be in the permanent collection of the National Museum.

