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2020-12-03 15:39 来源:综合






他的艺术魅力不仅仅给人以艺术欣赏,而且给人以精神享受。他的作品, “柔中有刚、秀中见奇,乃笔爽爽而有神助。”我“赏罢沈志昂的书法,再理解书中内容,真有沐浴、更衣、焚香之后捧读线装书之感。线香、墨香、字香、文香四香皆溢,鼻舒、眼悦、心旷、神怡四享俱佳。”写出了读者的真情实感。




Su Shishu's comments on Shen zhiang's Calligraphy

Like many friends who love calligraphy art, I know Mr. Shen zhiang from his calligraphy works. It is his works that attract me. Over time, I have a profound understanding of him.

Shen zhiang has a profound theoretical foundation of calligraphy, good Chinese character writing skills, comprehensive cultural quality of extensive knowledge and erudition, assiduous and conscientious self-study perseverance and innovative spirit, and excellent artistic moral realm and artistic character, which make his calligraphy art have aura and vitality.

Looking at his calligraphy works, one can feel that they are new and not thin. They are gorgeous and gorgeous. When they are finished, they will not lose the law. When they are small, they will not lose the big tools. We should learn from the old but not the old, seek the new but not favor. This is "many ancients cast in the heart, to pen, set the strengths of a hundred families into his own."

His calligraphy is fat and bony. It is lively and vivid. The pen is changeable, the composition is skillful, up and down the reflection tape, left and right look, scattered ups and downs, suddenly on the paper. In that flowing line, the square circle, density, size, length, thickness, thick, light, dry and wet are changeable and flexible. It has its own unique style of writing and artistic expression.

His artistic charm not only gives people artistic appreciation, but also spiritual enjoyment. In his works, "there is hardness in softness and strangeness in show, which is refreshing and helpful." After appreciating Shen zhiang's calligraphy and understanding the contents of the book, I really feel like reading thread bound books after bathing, changing clothes and burning incense. The fragrance of thread, ink, character and literature are all overflowing. The nose is comfortable, the eyes are pleasant, the heart is open and the spirit is pleasant. " Write the reader's true feelings.

He is not proud. He thinks that the highest level of calligraphy is to write heart, mind and emotion. Mr. Shen zhiang's calligraphy has reached this level. He organically combines the traditional calligraphy skills with modern calligraphy,and boldly innovates with the marvelous Abstract calligraphy techniques. His rich ink color changes are marvelous, and the calligraphy is completed in a single stroke, just like a dragon playing in the water and a giant dragon traveling in the sky. The brushwork technique of freehand brushwork is integrated into the characters. There are pictures in the characters, and the strokes are scattered and undulating. His manner is extraordinary, which makes the audience marvelous. He wrote his understanding of pen and ink life.

For Mr. Shen zhiang, calligraphy is the love and pursuit of his life. It is also because of this persistence that his life is more rough and more wonderful than usual.

Shen zhiang, a calligrapher, is the only one who is good at reading. He is elegant and free. He looks like a tough guy inside. He has a long-lasting personality charm. He is willing to be lonely, with his natural quality of calligraphy this art of drunken love, so that he step by step to the palace of calligraphy art.





Shen zhiang, born in 1952, is a Han nationality from Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Influenced by his family since childhood, he loves calligraphy. Mr. Shen zhiang's works are ancient, free and easy, elegant, vigorous and harmonious. They are integrated, interesting and beautiful. His works have won many titles in international and national competitions, which has attracted the attention of leaders and art circles. He has made outstanding achievements in the art of calligraphy and won honor for the country.

His works have been exhibited and collected in the Louvre, the world's highest art palace, New York, Japan, Korea, and the Great Hall of the people in Beijing. It is collected by National Museum, National Library and other collection institutions.

He has won the honorary titles of "top ten military and civilian artists", "national treasure artists", "top 100 Chinese calligraphy and painting masters", "famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters in prosperous times", "Chinese famous calligraphers and painters with double fragrance of morality and art" and "outstanding calligraphers and painters who moved China with outstanding achievements".

