> 艺术 >


2020-12-14 16:18 来源:综合



Liu Zhengdong, stage name, Liu Yan, no. Ming Yue Lou Zhu, Male, born in 1968, Jiangsu, member of Chinese Fan Painting Society, first-class artist, etc. . In 1988, he won the first national calligraphy and painting Grand Prix in Beijing and was selected in the competition. In 2008, he took part in Beijing national, teachers, primary and middle school students, calligraphy and painting competition, Chinese painting happy old man, won excellent prize, and published a book of calligraphy and painting, many of his Chinese paintings, donated to charity organizations and the earthquake-stricken areas, , works were collected by Chinese and foreign friends at the same time, Chinese paintings are now in, beijing collects the world, and Taihei and other artists such as Alibaba came to power to sell such as details, Click Baidu, artist Liu Zhengdong. Motto: Heaven Rewards Diligence.

刘先生荣誉证书Mr. Lau's certificate of honor

















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