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中华书法大师 世界艺术泰斗—刘增基恭贺新春

2020-12-18 11:59 来源:综合


刘増基(吉),名如川、字墨禅、出生于山东聊城茌平一个书香之家现任世界教科文卫组织首席艺术家,并担任该组织艺术委 员会执委、世界华人艺术家协会副主席、中国国家书画院副院长 、中国榜书书法家协会主席、中国书法家协会会员、中华书法家协会副主席、中国书法美术家协会理事长、中国艺术学会常委、中国书画学会副主席、中国民族艺术家协会副会长、中国书画名家研究会副会长、英国牛津艺术学院博士生导师/客座教授、中国国际新闻书画研究院院士、《世界风云人物报》中国上榜十大书法家之一、中国美术家协会培训中心书法教授、 中国科协教育专家委员会首席书画家、台北故宫书画院名誉院长(终身高级院士)。

Liu Zengji (JI) , named Ru Chuan and Zi Mo Chan, was born into a scholarly family in Chiping County, Shandong Province. He is currently the chief artist of the world educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and serves as the art committee of the organization, sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence.

从六岁始,刘増基被父亲握着小手学写字。六十年来,废寝忘食、夜以继日,踏着月光、迎着朝霞,不离砚田,辛勤耕耘!冬练三九、夏练中伏,冒酷暑、战严寒,以继承和发扬祖国优秀文化传统为已任!以柳(公权)《玄秘塔》正楷为宗, 遍临欧(阳询)《九成宫》、颜(真卿)《东方朔画赞》、赵(孟頫)《胆巴碑》诸碑帖,得其欧之险劲、颜之渾厚、柳之挺拔、赵之雍容,坚持晋朝王義之老师——卫夫人“多力丰筋者圣, 无力无筋者病”的学书方针;牢记当代艺术大师,真、草、隶、篆书法集大成者邓散木先生“先于古人合,后于古人离”的学书教诲。广泛涉猎、上下求索,在中国书坛卓然独步,自成一家。

From the age of six, Liu Zengji was held by his father to learn to write by hand. For 60 years, night after night, night after night, the moon, facing the Dawn, not ten thousand Yan field hard work! Winter Training 39, summer training in the Fu, braving the heat, fighting the cold, to inherit and carry forward the excellent cultural traditions of the motherland! Liu (Public Authority)"Mysterious Pagoda" for the Authentic Kai, everywhere in Europe (Yangxun)"90 palace" , Yan (Qing)"East Shuo painting praise" , Zhao (Mengfu)"Dan Ba Stele" , the stele of its European risk, Yan's vigorous, Liu's upright, Zhao yong-rong, we should stick to the study policy of Jin Dynasty's Yi teacher —— -- Lady Fu Wei, who is rich in strength and strong in Sinew, but weak in sinew. We should also keep in mind the study instruction of the Master of Contemporary Art, Mr. Deng Sanmu, who is the master of true, cursive, official and seal calligraphy, who "united before the ancients, and left after the ancients" . He has made his own achievements in the Chinese calligraphy field.

四十年来,天南塞北、扬我国粹,驰骋九州、广交益友!足迹踏遍祖国大江南北、长城内外,转益多师,受益匪浅,受到中国社会各界领导、同道和亲朋好友的普遍认可和赞赏!先后被评选为 “中国艺术博士”、“新时代中华诗状元”、“共和国功勋文艺家”、“中国终生艺术泰斗”、“国家特级书法师”、“世界文艺百家领军人物"、“艺坛骄子”、“十九大功勋艺术家”、“金砖艺术家”、“金牌艺术家”、“国家高级书法师”等职称,并被国家授予“中国书法艺术楷模”、“当代艺术楷模”、“中国最具投资价值艺术家”、“中国最具收藏价值艺术家”、“国家文化卓越贡献奖”、“中国国际艺坛巨匠”等荣誉称号!刘増基与何香凝、齐白石、常香玉、萧龙士、郭沫若、徐悲鸡、启功、范迪安、苏士澍十位艺术大师一起被载入《一代 巨擎》。刘増基与王羲之、欧阳询、苏轼、黄公望、董其昌、石涛、张大千、启功、冯远十位艺 术大师载入《大师风范》。2020年3月,刘增基先生荣获第三届世界文化奖金奖,先后被授予《世界艺术巨匠》和《世界艺术泰斗》荣誉称号。

Over the past 40 years, we have travelled far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far,! Through the Great River, the Great Wall inside and outside, to benefit more teachers, benefited from the Chinese community leaders, colleagues and friends of the general recognition and appreciation! Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence! With He Xiangning, Qi Baishi, Chang Heung Yuk, Siu lung-sze, Guo Moruo, Tsui wai-kai, Qigong, Fan di-an and so ssu Shu, he is featured in "the first generation, the great engine" . Ten artists, including Wang Xizhi, Ouyang Xun, Su Shi, Huang Gongwang, Dong Qichang, Shitao, Zhang Daqian, Qigong and Feng Yuan, were featured in "Virtuoso" . In March 2020, Mr. Liu Zengji won the 3rd World Culture Prize and was awarded the honorary title of "the world art giant" and "the world art champion" .
