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2021-03-09 11:02 来源:综合



董文政(1938- ) 艺名吴默,1962 年毕业于南京艺术学院,苏州大学美术教授,著名书画家,《中国当代帛画——吴默画》 创始人。中国文化部中外文化交流大使、中国国际书画艺术联合会名誉会长、法兰西皇家美术学院首席艺术家、法中文化交流长城协会副会长、美国SVSU美术系客座教授、英国皇家艺术研究院荣誉院士、荷兰皇家艺术学院高级学术顾问、瑞典皇家艺术学院外籍院士、俄罗斯艺术科学院荣誉院士、意大利罗马画院终身院士、香港文化艺术总会荣誉主席....他曾长期从事丝绸美术工作,受中国古代帛画启发,1967 年开始研创以真丝双绉为载体的吴默帛画以表现中华传统文化逾50年。

《思凡》当代帛画Contemporary silk paintings of "missing the world"

Dong Wenzheng (1938 -) , Wu Mo, graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts in 1962. He is a professor of fine arts at Soochow University. He is a famous calligrapher and painter. Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, Honorary President of the International Federation of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy of China, principal artist of the Royal Academy of Arts of France, vice president of the Great Wall of French-chinese Cultural Exchange, visiting professor of the Svsu Fine Arts Department of the United States, honorary fellow of the Royal Academy of Arts of the United Kingdom, senior academic adviser of the Royal Academy of Arts of the Netherlands, honorary fellow of the Royal Academy of Arts of Sweden, honorary fellow of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honorary Fellow of the Rome Academy of Fine Arts of Italy, honorary president of the Hong Kong Federation of Culture and Arts... He has been engaged in silk art for a long time. He was inspired by ancient Chinese silk paintings and in 1967 he began to study and create wu-mo silk paintings with Silk Crepe de Chine as the carrier to represent traditional Chinese culture for more than 50 years

《冰峰鹿影》当代帛画Contemporary Silk Painting "the shadow of the deer on the ice peak"


《人间仙境》当代帛画Contemporary Silk Paintings of Fairyland on earth

The combination of Chinese and Western works, the combination of imagery and imagery, vivid charm, colorful, to find a common understanding and acceptance of the East and west of the "international visual language. ". By Liu Haisu, Li Keran, Wang Yiqian (United States) and more than 30 domestic and foreign art everyone highly rated, historian Zhou Gucheng called it "Chinese contemporary silk painting. ". Invited to Beijing, Suzhou, the United States, Australia, Sweden, Singapore, France and other places held more than 30 times, was well received. In August 2010, French Culture Minister Mitterrand visited the exhibition of Wu Mo's paintings, which was listed as a special exchange project for the year. The work has been collected by art institutions such as the Beijing Art Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

《雪山行》当代帛画Contemporary Silk Paintings of "a journey to the snowy mountains"


《腾龙吐雾》当代帛画The Contemporary Silk Painting "the Dragon puffs The fog"

He has won many awards at home and abroad, such as the gold medal of the city emblem of Paris, the certificate signed by the Mayor of Paris, the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the First World Award for literary and artistic merit, the 19th intangible cultural heritage award, the grandmaster of the 19th generation, the world's most beautiful artist and the great man of Chinese art. In addition, the international Chinese Artists Association is appointed as President, the Zhongnanhai Academy of Poetry, calligraphy and painting is appointed as honorary president, the Forbidden City is appointed as honorary president, the CPPCC Academy of Calligraphy and painting is appointed as honorary president, the National Art Publishing House is appointed as chief honorary president, the Chinese art encyclopedia is appointed as artistic director, the Chinese Society of Outstanding Cultural Artists is appointed as honorary president for life, the Chinese traditional culture research society is appointed as honorary president, the Chinese lanting Academy of Calligraphy and painting is appointed as honorary president, the China Guoli Publishing House is appointed as honorary president... . Wait. There are dozens of other offers that I won't repeat.

《水趣图》当代帛画Contemporary Silk Paintings of "Water Fun"

董文政:笔端飞扬存正气 德艺双修扬美德。走进新时代,踏上新征程。繁荣文艺创作、推动文艺创新,必须有大批德艺双馨的文艺名家,携手共进,合力促进文艺发展繁荣。


《西游记诗意》当代帛画The poetry of journey to the West: Contemporary Silk Paintings

Dong Wenzheng: The pen is full of righteousness, virtue and art both cultivate virtue. Enter a new era and embark on a new journey. To promote literary and artistic creation and innovation, we must have a large number of literary and artistic masters who are both moral and artistic, working together to promote the development and prosperity of literature and art. The outstanding works of Literature and art give people value guidance, spiritual guidance and aesthetic enlightenment. Mr. Dong Wenzheng, a world-record famous artist in calligraphy and painting, has always adhered to his artistic ideals and constantly improved his study, self-cultivation and self-cultivation, to strengthen the accumulation of ideas, the accumulation of knowledge, cultural cultivation and artistic training, comprehensively enhance the artistic connotation, and promote the innovative development of literature and art in the new era, Mr. Dong Wenzheng not only has good professional qualities, but also has noble personality cultivation, have the sense of social responsibility of "carrying the moral responsibility with iron shoulder" . His works focus on social effects, stress taste, value artistic morality, preserve Integrity for history, promote virtue for the world, and leave a clear name for himself, efforts to noble professional ethics, a good social image, literary quality and beauty of the excellent works have won the majority of the People's love and welcome.

《饮马图》当代帛画"Yin Ma Tu" contemporary silk painting


《幽谷夕照》当代帛画Contemporary Silk Painting "the sunset over the secluded valley"

For many years, Dong Wenzheng has devoted himself to innovation and development, promoting the art of calligraphy and painting, contributing to the prosperity of Chinese culture. A person who regards the creation of excellent calligraphic works as a career, devoting himself to them with undivided enthusiasm and energy, working hard with little fame, wealth and selfless dedication, and closely linking his own future destiny with that of the nation, with his unique artistic works, he interprets the height and depth of cultural vision, and displays the social responsibility and responsible spirit of the outstanding artists of the new era. For the new era of literary and artistic work to set a benchmark, and continue to create positive works of art to nurture the hearts and minds of the masses.

《绝顶驚虹图》纸本山水"absolutely stunning Rainbow Map" paper landscape


《山光水色画意浓》纸本山水Landscape in paper form

Every artist, whether in the exploration period of art practice or in the mature period of art creation, can not ignore his moral and the needs of the Times. As an advanced literary and art worker in the new era, Dong Wenzheng has devoted himself to carrying forward Chinese traditional culture for many years, advancing with the times and climbing the heights, constantly launching new literary and artistic works, and expressing his yearning for and enthusiasm for a better life with his pen, writing with positive works of love for the motherland!

第一幅《韩栩·寒食诗一首》纸本草书     The first "Han Xu Han Shi a poem" paper cursive

第二幅  《唐张继诗枫桥夜泊》纸本隶篆The second painting "Night Mooring on Fengqiao in Zhangji Poem of Tang Dynasty" is written in paper script

谢谢欣赏!Thank you!