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【国以才立 业以才兴】首届国际线上书画展——沈志昂

2021-04-30 11:35 来源:综合


Shen Zhi 'ang, born in 1952, Han nationality, born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Influenced by his family since childhood, he loved calligraphy. Mr. Shen Zhi 'ang's works are old-fashioned, free-flowing, elegant, vigorous, harmonious, seamless, interesting and beautiful. His works have won many championships in international and national competitions, and won high attention from relevant leaders and art circles. He has made outstanding achievements in calligraphy art and won honors for the country.



His works have been exhibited and collected in the Louvre Museum in France, new york in the United States, Japan, South Korea and the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Collected by the National Museum, National Library and other collection agencies.



Won the honorary titles of "Top Ten Military and Civilian Artists", "National Treasure Artists", "Top 100 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters", "Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters in Prosperity", "Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters in Virtue and Art" and "Impressed Chinese Outstanding Meritorious Painters".



Su Shizhu's comments on Shen zhiang's calligraphy;


Like many friends who love calligraphy art, I know Mr. Shen Zhi 'ang from his calligraphy works, which attracted me and made me have a deep understanding of him over time.



Shen Zhi 'ang has a profound foundation of calligraphy theory, a good foundation of writing Chinese characters, a comprehensive cultural quality of extensive knowledge and erudition, hard self-study perseverance and innovative spirit, excellent artistic moral realm and artistic character, which makes his calligraphy art have aura and vitality.


Looking at his calligraphy works, people feel new, not thin, flashy and not flattering. The finished works do not lose their testimonies, and the works with few characters do not lose their magnificence. The softness and hardness are mutually beneficial, and the male and female show simultaneously, and the flesh and blood are plump and the structure is natural. Learn from the ancient instead of the mud, and seek new things instead of gaining favor. This is "many ancients cast in their hearts, give them pens, and integrate the strengths of hundreds of families into themselves."



His calligraphy is fat and bony, which is both flesh and blood, lively and clever. The pen is changeable, the composition is well-versed, the tape is reflected up and down, the left and right look around, the ups and downs are scattered on the paper. In the flowing lines, Fiona Fang, density, size, length, thickness, thickness, lightness, dryness and humidity are changeable and flexible. The majestic atmosphere, such as flowing water, is really unconventional and unique, and has its own unique brushwork and unique artistic expression.


他的艺术魅力不仅仅给人以艺术欣赏,而且给人以精神享受。他的作品, “柔中有刚、秀中见奇,乃笔爽爽而有神助。”我“赏罢沈志昂的书法,再理解书中内容,真有沐浴、更衣、焚香之后捧读线装书之感。线香、墨香、字香、文香四香皆溢,鼻舒、眼悦、心旷、神怡四享俱佳。”写出了读者的真情实感。

His artistic charm not only gives people artistic appreciation, but also gives people spiritual enjoyment. His works, "There is rigidity in softness and novelty in show, but the pen is cool and helpful." I "admire Shen Zhi 'ang's calligraphy, and then understand the contents of the book. I really feel like reading a thread-bound book after bathing, changing clothes and burning incense. Line fragrance, ink fragrance, word fragrance and wenxiang are all overflowing, and the nose is comfortable, the eyes are pleasing, the heart is wide and the mind is happy. " Write the reader's true feelings.



He is not proud. He thinks that the highest realm of calligraphy is to write heart, thoughts and feelings. Shen Zhi 'ang's calligraphy has reached this level. He organically combined traditional calligraphy skills with modern calligraphy, and boldly innovated with abstract and wonderful calligraphy skills. His rich ink color changes were wonderful, and he wrote a book in one go, just like a dragon swimming in the water and a dragon swimming in the sky. He dissolved freehand brushwork into words, and there were paintings in the words, which were used for words, and the strokes were staggered and undulating, which made the viewers marvel. He wrote his comprehension of life with pen and ink.



For Mr. Shen Zhi 'ang, calligraphy is the love and pursuit of his whole life. It is also because of his persistence that his life is more bumpy and wonderful than usual.


Everything is inferior, only reading is high, calligrapher Shen Zhi 'ang, who is like a flying fairy outside, elegant and free, like a tough guy inside, rigid and rigid, and writes a lasting personality charm. He is willing to be lonely, and with his natural quality, he loves calligraphy like a drunken dream, which makes him step by step to the palace of calligraphy art.







