> 艺术 >


2021-10-12 14:37 来源:综合


Culture is an important force for national survival and development. Every leap forward of human society and every sublimation of human civilization are accompanied by the historical progress of culture. The Chinese nation has a civilization history of more than 5000 years. Before modern times, China has always been one of the world powers. In thousands of years of history, the Chinese nation has never been smooth sailing and encountered countless difficulties, but we have survived and come through. One of the most important reasons is that generations of Chinese people have cultivated and developed a unique, broad and profound Chinese culture, which provides a strong spiritual support for the Chinese nation to overcome difficulties and survive. You shutI, a famous artist in the art world, has made outstanding contributions in carrying forward China's excellent traditional culture to the world and played an important role in promoting the realization of the Chinese dream of becoming a cultural power.


老尤  本名尤淑悌 ,1933年3月出生于浙江临海,定居杭州。毕业于复旦大学。学者、诗人、美术家。国家一级美术师、国家特级书画家。法兰西皇家美术学院“艺术学”博士。

2020 新春 68x70cm

2020 Spring Festival 68x70cm

Old you, whose real name is you shutI, was born in Linhai, Zhejiang Province in March 1933 and settled in Hangzhou. Graduated from Fudan University. Scholar, poet and artist. National first-class artist and national super class calligrapher and painter. Doctor of "art" of the Royal Academy of fine arts of France.

2020 起航-67x69cm

2020 sailing - 67x69cm

先后在上海、内蒙、杭州从事党的宣教、文艺的行工作和党校教学工作。为中国管理科学研究院研究员(长久)。其间,1960—1963 兼任舞台美术设计并舞美工作队副队长。1986—1988 北京齐白石艺术函授学院国画专业学习并毕业,为“白石门下”。

2019 福星-68x68cm

2019 Fuxing - 68x68cm

He has successively engaged in Party propaganda and education, literature and art and Party school teaching in Shanghai, Inner Mongolia and Hangzhou. He is a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences (for a long time). From 1960 to 1963, he also served as the vice captain of the stage art design and dance beauty team. 1986-1988 studied and graduated from Beijing Qi Baishi art correspondence college, majoring in traditional Chinese painting. He was "under the Baishi gate".

2017 清泉 68x69cm

2017 Qingquan 68x69cm


2017 百合与玫瑰 89x96cm

2017 Lily and rose 89x96cm

After his retirement in 1993, he devoted himself to freehand Chinese landscape, flower and bird painting, as well as poetry, calligraphy and seal cutting. It is made at will, freehand brushwork, advocating nature, not stick to one style, but seek the integration of things and me, and be free and complacent. There are monographs published, such as "master of national art · Chinese imperial seal", "master of art moving the world", "focus on the two sessions - special recommendation of famous artist you shutI", etc. The works have been exhibited in Russia, France, Italy, Japan and other six countries and have been highly praised. It has successively won the gold award of "China's 30 years of reform and opening up, the gold award of" golden sage award of international art garden ", the gold award of" Da Vinci international art Grand Prix ", the Cultural Construction Award of the national 14th five year plan, the" Mount Fuji International Art Award ", and the" United Nations Art Lifetime Achievement Award "signed by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres "World art meritorious figures" and "United Nations Medal for culture and art".

2013 崇山馀霞 69x70cm

2013 Chongshan Yuxia 69x70cm

联合国教科文等组织等授予 “世界和平文化使者”、 “殿堂级世界艺术大师”、“百年文艺巨匠”(潘基文秘书长签名)和国内“人民艺术家”、“中华文化保护传承大师”、“中国文化·百年巨匠”、“功勋艺术家”、“新时期国家文艺开拓者”、“国家十四五文化建设先沿旗手”等诸多称号。

2011百合 69x70cm

2011 Lily 69x70cm

The United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization and other organizations have awarded the "messenger of the world culture of peace", "temple level world art master", "Centennial master of literature and art" (signed by Secretary General Ban Ki Moon) and domestic "people's artist", "master of the protection and inheritance of Chinese culture", "Centennial master of Chinese culture", "meritorious artist" and "national pioneer of literature and art in the new era" "National 14th five year plan cultural construction first along the flag bearer" and many other titles.

2006 青江放舟 67X68.5cm

2006 Qingjiang boat release 67x68.5cm


2013 博爱花 62x89cm

2013 Boai flower 62x89cm

At present, he is the vice president of the world celebrity art research association, the executive director of China International Association of literary artists, the vice president of the United Nations International Cultural Communication Center, the honorary academician, academician, lifelong academician and visiting professor of the Royal Academy of art, the Russian Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Academy of painting of France, the Royal Academy of art of Sweden and the Roman Academy of painting.


2016 Zhaoyang -- 137x68cm

2013 和平万岁 138x70cm

Long live peace 2013 138x70cm

2011 轻舟已过万重山 178x96cm

2011 light boat has passed Wanchong mountain 178x96cm

2011 青松图 176x95cm

2011 green pine drawing 176x95cm


Thank you for your appreciation!