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2021-10-20 15:16 来源:综合

中华文明延续着我们国家和民族的精神血脉,既需要薪火相传、 代代守护,也需要与时俱进、推陈出新。我们要加强对优秀传统艺术 的挖掘和阐发,激活其生命力,使中华民族最基本的文化基因与当代 文化相适应、与现代社会相协调,这样我们的传统文化艺术才能跨越 时空,超越国界,深入人心,富有永恒魅力。我国艺坛名家王永春先生以笔墨绘时代,以作品展辉煌,让中国书画艺术走进千家万户!

Chinese civilization continues the spiritual blood of our country and nation. It not only needs to be passed down from generation to generation, but also needs to keep pace with the times and bring forth the new. We should strengthen the excavation and analysis of excellent traditional art, activate its vitality, and make the most basic cultural gene of the Chinese nation adapt to contemporary culture and coordinate with modern society. In this way, our traditional culture and art can span time and space, transcend national boundaries, penetrate into the hearts of the people and be full of eternal charm. Mr. Wang Yongchun, a famous artist in China's art world, has brought the art of Chinese calligraphy and painting into thousands of families by painting the era with pen and ink and exhibiting brilliance with his works!


National senior artist



Wang Yongchun, the word Xianglu, the number Zhuqing. Born in 1957 in the hometown of bamboo sea, Shangbao, Leiyang County, Hunan Province, Chinese state guest ceremony artist. He is now a painter of Shandong painting academy, a member of the International Artists Federation, a director of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the Chinese couplet society, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a deputy secretary general of the calligraphers and painters working Committee of the new literary and artistic group of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, and a distinguished calligrapher and painter, Director of the Council of Calligraphy Art Research Association of China couplet society, vice chairman of the calligraphy and painting art professional committee of China National Architecture Research Association, and vice chairman of the Second Council of Chinese enterprise reporting art capital.


It is often said that his childhood memory is the most profound. When he was a child, he saw bamboo, moso bamboo, mottled bamboo, Luohan bamboo and long sun... Which made him deeply impressed and beautiful about bamboo since childhood and developed his natural hobby of loving bamboo. As an adult, he loves bamboo more and has the noble character of "there is a festival before unearthed, even if Ling Yun is still modest". He paints bamboo by loving bamboo, planting bamboo and respecting bamboo. In the same year, Mr. Yongchun studied with Mr. Cui Hui, a famous flower and bird painter, as his disciples. He mainly focused on freehand flowers and birds. He started by self-study, especially ink bamboo. On September 27, 2019, he worshipped the famous calligrapher Quan Xijun as his teacher. Mr. Yongchun respected the painting methods of famous artists such as Qingteng, Badashan, Wentong, Zheng Banqiao, Wu Changshuo and Qi Baishi. He devoted himself to studying famous works. He studied diligently and tirelessly for decades and studied the essence of his painting theory. In order to deeply study the mechanism of bamboo, Yongchun planted more than a dozen kinds of bamboo, flowers and trees in the hospital. Long term observation, watching the style of bamboo in the daytime and the shadow of bamboo in the moonlight, is


In the future, creation will lay a deep accumulation and precipitation. Yongchun advocates respecting tradition, advocating ancient suck, and collecting all kinds of essence. Mr. Zhang's paintings of bamboo are well-known, free flowing, dense, rigorous in composition and follow nature. His paintings of four seasons bamboo, such as wind bamboo, sunny bamboo, rain bamboo, dew bamboo, etc., are different and all show spirit. Mr. Zhang's snow bamboo is even more remarkable. His works are very popular, and highlight the bamboo's resistance to cold, pride in wind and snow, and perseverance, Rather than bend, elegant integrity. In addition, he created the ink bamboo national treasure map, which surprised and shocked me when I saw it. He integrates landscapes, flowers, birds and animals. It can be seen that his works are elegant and not vulgar, natural and unrestrained, lifelike, as if they bring us into an immersive feeling, guide people's beautiful longing for nature, stimulate the association of infinite space, feel nature, return to nature, and full of beautiful memories of nature.


After decades of life accumulation and precipitation, Mr. Yongchun has been promoted with his profound and unique artistic realm, which shows the sublimation of the artist's aesthetic consciousness. Mr. Yongchun found a door and came in and stood out. In his artistic career, he finally formed a unique artistic style, opened a new way and formed his own family, which made Mr. Yongchun famous, He won the appreciation and resonance of art circles, colleagues and calligraphy and painting lovers, and called him a master of contemporary bamboo painting.


Some of his works have been exhibited in the United States, Japan, France, South Korea, Thailand and other countries as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. He has participated in major exhibitions at home and abroad for many times and has been collected by famous experts and friends at home and abroad. His works were published in the US China times, Chinese calligrapher and painter, national pictorial, market observation, calligraphy daily, calligraphy and painting world and provincial and municipal newspapers. In October 2001, he won the "Gold Award" at the Sixth International Painting and calligraphy exhibition held by the culture and Art Center of Paris, France. In 2001, his works have passed the isq9001a qualification certification of the International Federation of artists and the ISC2000 art value evaluation, and won the title of famous "Chinese painting artist". In 2002, he was awarded the medal of famous craftsman and certificate of 20th century Chinese and Japanese calligraphy and painting in the cultural and art exchange activities between China and Japan. In 2004, his works were selected into the TV feature film of the exhibition of works of famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters. The works and biographies are respectively incorporated into the grand ceremony of the authentic works of world famous contemporary calligraphers and painters and the collection of famous Chinese and Japanese calligraphers and painters in the 20th century

《山东书画家名录》等十几部大型辞书。2017年10月31日参加由中国艺术报社、中国企业文化促进会、企业家日报社、中企报盟信息科学研究院共同在中国文联文艺家之家展览馆举办的“庆祝十九大 不忘初心跟党走”企业优秀书画作品展活动并颁发入展证书。2019年9月26日,书法作品入展由中国文联国内联络部、中国美术家协会和中国书法家协会指导,中国文联美术艺术中心、中国文联书法艺术中心、中国书画家联谊会、中国楹联学会和中国工笔画学会联合主办,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会承办的“我爱你,祖国”——庆祝新中国成立70周年第二届新文艺群体书画家优秀作品展,在中国文联文艺家之家展览馆举办,并颁发入展荣誉证书,2020年出版《盛世中华,传世名家》王永春作品精选集。

More than a dozen large dictionaries such as the list of Shandong calligraphers and painters. On October 31, 2017, he participated in the exhibition of enterprise excellent calligraphy and painting works "Celebrating the 19th National Congress without forgetting the original heart and following the party" jointly organized by China art newspaper, China Association for the promotion of enterprise culture, entrepreneur daily and the Information Science Research Institute of China enterprise newspaper League in the home of artists of China Federation of literary and art circles, and issued the entry certificate. On September 26, 2019, the exhibition of calligraphy works was guided by the domestic Liaison Department of China Federation of literary and art circles, China Artists Association and China Calligraphers Association, CO sponsored by the art center of China Federation of literary and art circles, the calligraphy art center of China Federation of literary and art circles, the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, the Chinese couplet society and the Chinese meticulous painting society, and undertaken by the calligraphers and painters Working Committee of the new literary group of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association "I love you, motherland" -- Celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China, the second excellent works exhibition of calligraphers and painters of new literary and artistic groups was held in the artists' home exhibition hall of the China Federation of literary and artistic circles, and the honorary certificate was issued. In 2020, the selected works of Wang Yongchun, prosperous China and famous artists handed down from generation to generation, were published.


Thank you for your appreciation!