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2021-12-27 16:07 来源:综合




张淼:字三水, 1984 年 9 月出生,男,祖籍陕西省商洛市。现为中央文化干部管理学院中国水墨研究院院士、陕西省美术家协会会员,陕西省书画艺术研究院研究员、西部中国画院副院长,西安市中国画研究会花鸟艺委会副主任,长安青年美术家协会副主席,商州美术家协会副主席。2016年作品《荷塘雙棲图》特邀入选法国巴黎国际艺术沙龙展暨中法艺术名家国际学术交流展,并在法国巴黎卢浮宫展出;作品曾先后在北京、日本、香港、新加坡、法国、意大利等地展出;出版有多种个人画集。

Zhang Miao: Sanshui, born in September 1984, male, native to Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province. He is now an academician of the Chinese ink and wash Research Institute of the central cultural cadre management college, a member of Shaanxi Artists Association, a researcher of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting art research institute and vice president of the western Chinese Painting Academy, deputy director of the flower and Bird Art Committee of Xi'an Chinese Painting Research Association, vice chairman of Chang'an Young Artists Association and vice chairman of Shangzhou Artists Association. In 2016, the work "double habitat in the lotus pond" was specially invited to be selected into the International Art Salon Exhibition in Paris, France and the international academic exchange exhibition of Chinese and French artists, and was exhibited in the Louvre in Paris, France; His works have been exhibited in Beijing, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, France, Italy and other places; He has published a variety of personal paintings.



Inkstone essays


——Thoughts and Practice on the innovation of modern flower and bird painting


Zhang Miao


Modern flower and bird painting has developed to a relatively stable period. As a modern flower and bird painting, it is in urgent need of reform. No matter what the theme of creation, we all need a breakthrough in space. Before creation, we should not be bound by three-dimensional space and color. Understand the mystery of life from the micro and the changes of the universe from the macro. It is very helpful for modern flower and bird creation to deeply explore the images of four-dimensional and five-dimensional space and improve the creation of academic frontier.


The great form has no shape. Great sound is hard to hear. This is the mood that painters need. It is also the life realm of flowers, grass, and the world as explained in Buddhism. There are many kinds of images about objects, such as concrete, image, abstract, macro, micro and so on.


Different image feelings mainly depend on the author's thinking perception and aesthetic orientation. Most contemporary flower and bird painters tend to be image thinking mode. Image is a kind of perceptual object image, which presents the beauty of neutralization to the audience.


The premonitory condition of contemporary painters' artistic creation is to express their feelings, put the realm first, and make their thinking from micro to macro, from concrete to abstract. Open your eyes and deeply understand life and nature. In the creative form of flower and bird painting, the pursuit of modern image composition is the visual element in modern painting.


Contemporary painters should find a breakthrough in image and abstraction, especially in color, and strive to learn from European Impressionist Works to enrich the color ink creation of modern flower and bird painting. In optical color, repeated composition and orderly gradual change of color will produce different rhythm and rhythm, so modern painting has a great development space in the application of light and color. Light and color are of great help and promotion to modern painting. On this basis, it has become a new idea to learn from the expression techniques of Western painting, printmaking and photography.


In terms of color, the use of composite color, focusing on the contrast between cold and warm and the color change of tone, especially the performance of light and color in Impressionist painting, has become an important method for many contemporary painters to learn from.


In short, as a new concept of Chinese painting, light and color will inevitably become the development direction of painting in the future. It has injected new vitality into the innovation of modern Chinese painting.