> 艺术 >


2021-10-14 10:20 来源:综合

中华文明延续着我们国家和民族的精神血脉,既需要薪火相传、 代代守护,也需要与时俱进、推陈出新。我们要加强对优秀传统艺术 的挖掘和阐发,激活其生命力,使中华民族最基本的文化基因与当代 文化相适应、与现代社会相协调,这样我们的传统文化艺术才能跨越 时空,超越国界,深入人心,富有永恒魅力。我国艺坛名家范华炳先生以笔墨绘时代,以作品展辉煌,让中国书画艺术走进千家万户!

Chinese civilization continues the spiritual blood of our country and nation. It not only needs to be passed down from generation to generation, but also needs to keep pace with the times and bring forth the new. We should strengthen the excavation and analysis of excellent traditional art, activate its vitality, and make the most basic cultural gene of the Chinese nation adapt to contemporary culture and coordinate with modern society. In this way, our traditional culture and art can span time and space, transcend national boundaries, penetrate into the hearts of the people and be full of eternal charm. Mr. Fan Huabing, a famous artist in China's art world, draws the era with pen and ink and exhibits brilliance with his works, so that Chinese calligraphy and painting art can enter thousands of families!



Fan Huabing, male, born in 1942 in Yibin, Sichuan Province. Honorary chairman of the United Nations Artists Association, honorary president of China National Academy of calligraphy and painting, and famous calligraphy masters in China, especially in the list. His four foot calligraphy works "bamboo stone" and "yunshanyuan" were collected by Japanese friends for 190000 yuan. Calligraphy is based on Tang Kai and compatible with the styles of Han and Wei dynasties, forming a unique artistic style of massiness, simplicity, natural and unrestrained and full of poetry and painting implication, which is known as the model style. In 1993, he created a 57 meter long calligraphy scroll "spring in the east wind", which was highly praised by national leaders. In 1995, "bamboo and stone" was presented to Comrade Hu Jintao. In 1996, the 60th anniversary of the Red Army's long march was commemorated, and the title of the TV play "years of the long march" broadcast by CCTV was inscribed. In 1997, the word "mountain" was collected by former Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama. The word "dragon" was collected by former Japanese Prime Minister yomoto Ryutaro. Created by Comrade Jiang Zemin in 1999


The 73m calligraphy scroll of state-owned enterprises was mainly inspected in Sichuan and later collected by Wuliangye Group. In 2000, in order to commemorate the centenary of Marshal Chen Yi's birth, he created a long volume of Chen Yi's poetry and calligraphy, which was specially reported by CCTV. In 2006, he created a long scroll of "hundred cattle" in ancient and modern times. In the second "Lanting Cup" competition of Chinese calligraphy and painting, he won the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award and was awarded the honorary title of 2011 leader of Chinese calligraphy and painting. In March 2012, fan Huabing, Shen Peng and fan zengtong won the honorary title of "international most influential art master" and jointly became the cover character of "international most influential art master style collection". In 2013, he was rated as "the man of the world" and "the world's first calligraphy master" and other honorary achievements.


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