> 艺术 >


2021-10-18 09:47 来源:综合






LAN Shengguo, word: Taishan Orchid; Number: word crazy; The Lord of Orchid Zhai; From Tai 'an, Shandong province. Born in 1970. Since childhood, I have been influenced by my father and taught by my father. Since then, I have fallen in love with calligraphy. Although I have achieved nothing, I enjoy it and benefit a lot.

Now he is a member of CETV Danqing Ink Painting Academy.

Life motto: write a good Chinese character, do a good Chinese!


Appreciation of works:


The vast ocean of ink is vast and profound, the waves of books are fierce, and the boats are difficult to move forward. For thousands of years, those who paddle boats and struggle to move forward have succeeded in succession. It was a difficult road, but there were a lot of persistent oath, their pen shining, became the bright spot of the ink sea, the star of the world of books, history proves that this is not only the sages to the success of the road to the palace of art, but also the only way to the scholars. Mr. LAN shengguo perseveres in his determination and has been stirring in the sea of ink for more than dozens of years. His pen not only shines in the palace of art, but also leaves a lot of brilliance in the process of striving to sprint.