> 艺术 >


2022-01-07 14:46 来源:综合


王天晞 1946.1生于西安市,原籍山西省永济市孙常村,研究生学历,中共党员。1970年毕业于西北大学历史系,1989年研究生毕业于北京大学中国文化书院中外文化比较专业。曾任职中国人民革命军事博物馆办公室主任(大校)';陈列宣教部部长兼研究馆员。任职期间连续承办了四届全国全军军事科研课题,成书《中国战典》《中国战争发展史》《中国历代战爭哲学探源》《中国战爭史地图集》等巨箸,获全军科研成果奖和优秀图书奖、中国出版政府奖提名奖。参与并带领团队进行了巜中国古近代战争》《兵器馆》《礼品馆》陈列修改布展。

Wang Tianxi was born in Xi'an in 1946.1. He originally came from Sunchang village, Yongji City, Shanxi Province. He has a postgraduate degree and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He graduated from the History Department of Northwest University in 1970 and graduated from the school of Chinese culture of Peking University in 1989. He once served as director (Senior Colonel) of the office of the Military Museum of the Chinese people's revolution '; Minister of exhibition, publicity and education department and research librarian. During his tenure, he has successively undertaken four military scientific research projects of the whole army, completed books such as the Chinese war code, the history of Chinese War development, the origin of Chinese war philosophy and the atlas of Chinese war history, and won the award for scientific research achievements of the whole army, the award for excellent books and the nomination Award for the Chinese publishing government award. Participated in and led the team in the exhibition modification and arrangement of pointing out China's ancient and modern wars, weapons Museum and gift Museum.

其中,《抗美援朝战爭馆》的布陈展示,获评全国十大精品展荣誉,是当时文博界的最髙奖项。退休后,致力研攻诗词和书法,获文化部艺术发展等三个中心联合授予"国家一级艺术大师″,又被评为"国家髙级书法师"发有证书。2017年获联合国可持续发展目标推进行动组委会巜和平公益书法大使》奖牌。2018年被评为"博鳌中国当代德艺双馨艺术家",书作被收藏。2019年参加新中国70华诞献礼,被评为十位"艺术标兵"之一;授予"博览五千年 塑造当代贤一一标杆书画家"。在全国书画名家抗疫"环球行"中被授予"大爱无疆"艺术家荣誉称号和"中国艺术抗疫大使∵被全国两会(2020年)推荐为"2020当代艺术领军人物"。

Among them, the exhibition of "war museum to resist US aggression and aid Korea" won the honor of national top ten boutique exhibitions and was the highest award in the cultural and Expo circles at that time. After retirement, he devoted himself to studying poetry and calligraphy, He was jointly awarded "national first-class art master" by three centers including the art development center of the Ministry of culture, and was rated as "national high-level calligrapher" with certificate. In 2017, he won the medal of "peace and public welfare calligraphy ambassador" by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals promotion action organizing committee. In 2018, he was rated as "Boao Chinese contemporary artist with both morality and art" ", his works were collected. In 2019, he participated in the 70th birthday of new China and was rated as one of the ten" art pacesetters "; he was awarded the" model calligrapher and painter who has shaped contemporary talents for 5000 years ". He was awarded the title of" great love "artist honor and" Chinese art anti epidemic ambassador "in the" global trip "of national famous calligraphers and painters to fight against epidemic diseases. He was recommended as" 2020 leading figure of contemporary art "by the national two sessions (2020).


In 2021, the Centennial red poetry, calligraphy and painting competition won the special gold award and was included in the collection of works. After evaluation, it was awarded the honorary title of "century old master - New China Art Master"; On October 1 of that year, he was awarded the honorary title of "national top ten outstanding meritorious artists" and the title of "China's first-line artist".


Thank you for your appreciation!